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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Detailed Portfolio Holdings

Hello bulls and bears,

On Friday I mentioned that on my next blog post I would talk about my stock holdings and why I am holding them in my portfolio. This will be similar to my future stock pick posts from Mr. Stock Pick. You will receive the pro's and con's, risk ratings, detailed analysis and future price projections.

Now lets get to my holdings,

First is my favorite stock for 2010 and that is Bank of America (BAC). With GDP numbers on the rise, foreclosures and unemployment improving this stock can be the best recovery play in the market today. Bank of America was lead by Ken Lewis who has taken tremendous risks making the powerful bank fall to its knees to the fed in 2008/2009. Ken Lewis to some is known as a hero who saved the financial world from collapse with his acquisition of Merrill Lynch, to others he is known as a risk taker who deteriorated long term share holder value. This acquisition made Bank of America the largest US bank by assets. With Bank of Americas strong business model and its new businesses Merrill Lynch and Countrywide it can have a positive bounce with a recovered market.

I believe in the new CEO Brian Moynihan, he has mentioned the business does not need to be larger but to execute its current businesses and turn them profitable. With the right man in charge this company can be a money making machine. Earnings per share (EPS) was $0.45 in the past twelve months with 2010 EPS estimates at $0.85 that is nearly a 100% increase. I see Bank of America outperforming this year as they now are not under the helm of the government as they have repaid their 45 Billion of tarp funds. BAC is rated 7/10 for a risk rating as there are short term bumps along the road to recovery.

Mr. Stock Picks price target for BAC by year end 2010 = $25

My second holding in my portfolio is Google (GOOG). Google is the most visited website of all time. Their Q4 earnings showed that they were cutting costs and earning more profits consistently, they are spending less to make more. I believe the search business has room to grow but that is just Google's main business. Google is a diversified tech company with mobile phones, Chrome, Gmail, YouTube and now Google Buzz. Google has also mentioned launching a fiber to home based internet service which will allow download speeds of 1GB/s for 50,000 up to 500,000 Americans. I am also a believer of cloud computing which Google has a huge advantage on.

Google is down to $535 per share from $629.51 just last month. This move down was the result of Google threatening to pull out of China due to censorship laws. Currently Google is still operating in China so negotiating a deal must not be going too bad. Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the past twelve months was $20.41 and estimated EPS for 2010 is $24.29. Google is currently trading at 26.3 times earnings and that is the cheapest it has been in a long time. I think if you want a piece of this Internet giant I think now is the time to buy. Google gets an 8/10 for risk rating due to the fact that competition like Apple and Microsoft are strong companies with great innovation and they have a chance to steal market share from Google.

Mr. Stock Picks price target for GOOG by year end 2010 = $750

These are brief explanations if you have any questions or would like additional information please contact me directly through the blog. Leave your email and I will try to respond quickly. These are just opinions of mine and you should not use a specific opinion to make an investment. Investors should be aware of the risk involved in making investments.

Visit the blog frequently for financial updates and information to help you make money!

Until next time,

Mr. Stock Pick

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